A versatile RESTful program that aggregates and serves hourly data for electricity prices.
Just run this server, and it will do all the heavy lifting for you.
Suported Countries
Spain (PVPC)
- Data Source: REData API
- The server will automatically fetch the price data for the next day, each day at 20:30 (Madrid time).
Home Automation
- Use as data source in home automation to make decisions based on current power price
- see openhab_example/strom_update.js (you'll need to create the referenced items before)
REST endpoints
General schema: endpoint/timestampInSecondsSinceEpoch/zone
{"time":"2023-04-05 14:00:00.000+0200","zone":"peninsular","price":0.11416,"price_rating_percent":64.18,"price_rating":"off_peak"}
{"time":"2023-04-05 00:00:00.000","zone":"canarias","average_price":0.17787}
0 is the timestamp in both cases. 0 will always return the current price in the local time for the requested zone.
Why should I use this server over another API?
- Timeframes can be requested in seconds since epoch
- Price average for the given day is provided to classify each price in the daily context
- Easier to use REST endpoints
- Updates and cleans up data automatically (set and forget)
- Open source
- Great performance, thanks to Dart and Alfred
Run your own
- docker-compose
- adapt environment in docker-compose.yaml accordingly or create a docker-compose.override.yaml file
- do not change TZ
- RATING_MARGIN is a margin value in percent for price classification. Defaults to 10, meaning only prices 10% below the daily average will be considered off-peak. Must be between 0 and 99.
- execute
- Default port is 3001. Congratulations. You now have a running strom_api on this port. It can easily be reverse proxied if need be.
- executing
will always rebuild the main branch of this repository and restart the container
Run tests
dart test test/app_test_no_env.dart
dart test test/app_test_with_env.dart
Simulate Github actions
act --secret-file my.secrets
Generate docs
dart doc .
- price_zones
- Available price zones.
- rest_server
- Find the implementation of the strom_api endpoints.